Introducing a New Form of Collaborative Distilling Education

At the heart of the “Society of Spirit” is a profound sense of community. Ok, that was the most corporate sounding sentence I’ve ever written. I feel gross, but it's true. The organization's goal is to bring together individuals from diverse backgrounds, united by their shared love for distillation. Whether you're a seasoned distiller or just starting out, the Society of Spirit offers a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages learning, sharing, and collaboration.

As proof of concept, some of the members of the SOS have begun holding monthly education Symposiums. Hosted live online via Youtube these first two Symposiums cover the topics of Smoked Whiskey and TTB Compliance respectively. If you missed them live (you definitely missed them live) don't worry, these and all future Symposiums and webinars will be hosted online. You can find links below, or via the SOS discord channel.

Speaking of future Symposiums, the membership conducted a poll and the clear winners were Blending and Maturation. Those topics will be covered in November and December with exact dates to come soon. A new event calendar will have exact dates and times, so check back here often for updates.

Video on Demand:

Smoked Whiskey 

TTB Compliance

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